Person of Interest (Season 1)

ep.5 Judgment

时长:00:43:01 / 首播:2011-10-20
A Polish street gang known as SP-9 kidnaps the son (Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick) of Samuel Gates (David Costabile), a judge known to be tough on crime. In exchange for his son's safe return, the leader (Michael Cerveris) demands that the judge release a banker who is key to their money-laundering operations without any punishment. Breaking with his preferred means of operation, Reese makes himself known to Gates in an attempt to stall the kidnappers while he uses Detective Fusco to process evidence from the scene of the crime. He misleads SP-9 into believing that their demands have been met, securing the release of Gates' son, before delivering them to Detective Carter and the NYPD. Meanwhile, Reese makes overtures of friendship towards Finch, but is actually trying to find out more about his habits.

Directed by Colin Bucksey
Written by David Slack

吐槽箱 7

#1 - 2013-5-14 13:53
#2 - 2014-12-1 00:16
#3 - 2015-4-7 03:12
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
#4 - 2015-5-5 13:58
结尾甜得我哦(bgm16) 话说前面哪集来着?宅总一直拒绝李四给他打电话尾随跟踪他,到这集居然跟李四说什么煎蛋饼好吃,这种落差让我怎么活(bgm11)(因为太甜了忍不住开了一下弹幕,两人的叫法实在太深得我心了啦(bgm38)
#5 - 2017-3-12 22:17
#6 - 2018-11-17 13:41
#7 - 2021-10-12 15:02
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)