Person of Interest (Season 1)

ep.16 Risk

时长:00:43:57 / 首播:2012-02-23
The next number belongs to Adam Saunders (Matt Lauria), a trader with a Wall Street investment firm. Adam is a high roller: plays big and wins big, is having a fling with his boss, and is in the SEC's gunsights for suspected illegal trading. Reese's cover is as Finch's asset manager, looking to invest. Adam had advised his adopted uncle to invest big in a firm call Tritek, that he now suspects has some serious problems. Raising an alarm puts his life in danger. It turns out a co-worker of Adam's and the SEC guy who is harassing him, together are using Tritak's imminent failure to defraud thousands of people out of tens of millions of dollars, as they sell it short. Reese is able to protect Adam from assassins sent to kill him before he leaks the news too early, while Finch uses his unlimited funds to keep Tritak in operation, save the investors' money, and expose the villains. Our friends realize that the perpetrators in this case were working for Carl Elias.

Directed by Jeff T. Thomas
Written by Sean Hennen

吐槽箱 4

#1 - 2015-4-9 05:37
(Anyone should take the consequences for his action)
专业术语较多,需要多看一俩遍理清楚一个能源企业的资产如何被做空然后..........搞不清楚了= =
#1-1 - 2016-7-20 13:27
#2 - 2021-7-8 17:58
#3 - 2021-11-19 00:56
(玫瑰幻色终是梦, 石径悠长方为真)
