Catwoman 电影

  • 中文名: 猫女
  • 主演: Halle Berry
  • 配角: Benjamin Bratt、Lambert Wilson、Frances Conroy、Sharon Stone、Janet Varney
  • 制作: Village Roadshow Pictures、Di Novi Pictures、Frantic Films、Maple Shade Films、Catwoman Films
  • 出品: Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc
  • 别名: Gatúbela
  • 上映日: 2004年7月23日
  • 片长: 104分钟、87分钟(加拿大)
  • 类型: 奇幻、动作、犯罪
  • 国家/地区: 美国、澳大利亚
  • 语言: 英语、西班牙语
  • imdb_id: tt0327554
  • 集数: 1
  • 导演: Pitof
  • 编剧: John Brancato、Michael Ferris、John Rogers
  • 故事: Theresa Rebeck、John Brancato、Michael Ferris
  • 制片人/制作人: Denise Di Novi、Edward L. McDonnell
  • 音乐: Klaus Badelt


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Artist Patience Phillips is a meek people-pleaser whose main support is her best friend Sally. She works for a cosmetics company called Hedare Beauty, which is ready to ship a new skin cream called Beau-line that is able to reverse the effects of aging. However, when Patience visits the R&D laboratory facility to deliver a redone ad design, she overhears a discussion between scientist Dr. Ivan Slavicky and Laurel Hedare, the wife of company-owner George Hedare, about the dangerous side effects from continually using the product. Laurel's guards discover Patience and are ordered to dispose of her. Patience tries to escape using a conduit pipe, but the minions have it sealed and flush her out of it, drowning her. Washed up on shore, Patience is mysteriously revived by an Egyptian Mau cat named Midnight which had appeared at her apartment earlier; from that moment on, she develops cat-like attributes.

From Midnight's owner eccentric researcher Ophelia Powers, Patience learns that Egyptian Mau cats serve as messengers of the goddess Bast. Patience realizes that she is now a "catwoman", reborn with abilities that are both a blessing and a curse. Disguised as a mysterious vigilante, named Catwoman to hide her identity, Patience under cover of darkness, searches for answers as to who killed her and why. Eventually, her search (which includes finding Slavicky's body and later being accused of his murder) leads her to Laurel. She asks Laurel to keep an eye on George, to which Laurel agrees. However, when Patience confronts George (who is attending an opera with another woman) as Catwoman, he reveals that he knows nothing about the side effects. The police led by Patience's love interest, detective Tom Lone, arrive and Catwoman escapes. Later on, Laurel murders George for his infidelity and admits to having Dr. Slavicky killed because he wanted to cancel the product's release. She contacts Catwoman and frames her for the murder. Tom then takes Catwoman into custody. Laurel plans to release Beau-line to the public the following day.

Patience slips out of her cell and confronts Laurel in her office, rescuing Tom; who came to question Laurel after second thoughts about Patience's guilt in the process and revealing that Laurel is the one responsible for her death. Laurel reveals the product's side effects; discontinuing its use makes the skin disintegrate, while continuing its use makes the skin as hard as marble. During the fight, she scratches Laurel's face several times, causing Laurel to fall out of a window and grab onto a pipe. Laurel sees her face in a window's reflection, and horrified by her skin's rapid disintegration (as a result of the scratches and her own use of Beau-line over the years), she fails to grab hold of Patience's outstretched arm and falls to her death.

Although Patience is cleared of any charges made against her regarding the deaths of Dr. Slavicky and the Hedares, she decides to end things with Tom by choosing to continue living outside the law and enjoying her newfound freedom as the mysterious Catwoman.


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不聪明的亚子 看过 @ 2023-8-1 11:30

哈哈, dc臭棋一步,舍不得孩子套不到狼,蝙蝠侠4扑街了就拿猫女做文章,难怪诺兰都看不下去了

时速120 看过 @ 2022-1-10 22:26


Akiko 看过 @ 2018-12-12 11:14


zakufa782 看过 @ 2017-5-26 16:21


あかりちゃん 看过 @ 2016-4-22 17:55


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