Sicily: Triumph and Folly 桌游

  • 中文名: 西西里:胜利与愚蠢
  • 游戏类型: War Game
  • 游玩人数: 2
  • 发行日期: 2000
  • 设计师: Dean Essig
  • 美术: Dean Essig, David Pentland
  • 出版商: The Gamers


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      Sicily: Triumph and Folly: The Campaign to Capture Sicily, 1943, is the 7th game in The Gamers popular OCS (Operational Combat System) series of games, and covers Operation Husky from the invasions to the fall of Messina.

      It breaks ground within the series: the first to use the 2.5 mile per hex scale (instead of the usual 5 mile per hex scale)and the first to cover a major amphibious operation.

      Each turn represents 1/4 of a week instead of 1/2 week. This retains the system wide standard ground movement allowances and movement point costs. Air unit ranges have been doubled (to reflect raw range) as they are not affected by the time scale change. Land units represent Brigades, Regiments, Battalions, Companies & KamfGruppes.

      The game includes a few shorter scenarios plus several different start-dates for the campaign games, based on the various critical events of the campaign.
      Playing time can be a couple of hours for the shorter scenarios, but as with all the OCS games the real money is in the various campaigns, which - while quite manageable on the scale of these things - still can take from one to two full weekends to play to completion.

      This is certainly the most rules-intensive of all the OCS games with air, ground, and naval units (including aircraft carriers!), airdrop capability on both sides, and the invasion and naval supply transport rules.




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